Coming soon

Use Koii to post on politician's twitter profiles

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Raise Details

Total Interest

Round not started

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Allocation Interest



Price per token

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To be announced

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Raising in

USDC/T (Ethereum Mainnet)


What is the idea? Fun task to troll politicians. Example: commenting on JD Vance’s Twitter with sofa emojis. Long term I’d like to create a “couch” coin and a DAO that trolls public figures. THE GOAL: LAUNCH THE TASK IN THE NEXT WEEK OR TWO (with your help!) Current Problem? My Twitter login logic is not robust, I’m trying to integrate the tast-x login logic. Also, I’d like to redeploy the task with a better commenting script. Login logic from task-x integration (I can do it, but it will take at least another 2 weeks) + my 2014 MacBook Air has 4RAM so it’s not exactly fast when I run testing; Some publicity to run the task I’m currently making a Twitter calendar for “JDZcouch” but with help in the community more people will run it; Long-Term Plan? Make a coin called “couch” referring to Vice President JD Vance (he F@#ked a couch - it’s in his autobiography). This coin would be used to troll various politicians or public figures, and we could create a DAO where 6 people from 3 categories are voted and trolled (TN. 666). Accelerated Timeline: The first week of August: Launch Task, see traction (only koii this phase); Second week: Make the task a bit more big (Make a second Troll target); Third week: Start engaging the community + think about tokenomics + website